This year’s NDP song struck a chord with us – it’s about our people and everyday activities, and makes us wonder what our future holds.
- As parents, we think of this future from the eyes of our little ones; and sometimes we worry - do you?
- Will they build friendships over canteen conversations, and not behind a phone?
- Will they pick up skills relevant for tomorrow’s jobs, not obsolete for yesterday’s news?
- Will they build character to withstand harsh words in the marketplace, and more importantly, shape that world with love and kindness?
We love the Singapore we grew up in. We are a people who watches out for one another, who displays empathy, who embraces off-the-beaten-path excitement. We are a nation of love.
Sometimes it’s hard to see that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and even harder to see that from behind screens.
But our little Beans remind us every day of who we can be. This is our cover – of adventure, of gratitude, of possibilities. Of love.

This year’s NDP song struck a chord with us

The Road Ahead (Cover - Their Roads Ahead, ☆Behind-The-Scenes☆) NDP 2021

The Road Ahead (Cover - Their Roads Ahead, Behind-The-Scenes Part 2) NDP 2021

This year’s NDP song struck a chord with us

The Road Ahead (Cover - Their Roads Ahead, ☆Behind-The-Scenes☆) NDP 2021

The Road Ahead (Cover - Their Roads Ahead, Behind-The-Scenes Part 2) NDP 2021

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